The construction of a home is not a process that should be taken lightly. In Thomasville, Georgia some Realtors and brokerage firms are not just listing and selling real estate they are building as well. YES, building the homes they are showing to home buyers. You would have to ask yourself why would they be practicing builder duties? Would you as a home buyer go to a divorce attorney to close your real estate transaction? This is no different, who do they hire to build those homes? Who monitors the construction to make sure things are being done right? Who will warranty those homes? It sure will not be the brokerage firm or the Realtor selling it because they are not qualified to determine what's right or wrong in the building industry. But they will be fast to let you know that for the large square footage and all the heavy mill work you are getting a steal of a price. What else can they really tell you about their own property? With these homes you basically are buying square footage yielding higher utility bills and a lot of wood.
As a home seller you would have to wonder which home will they show first, yours that you just gave to them to sell or the one they are building/selling to the same home buyer poll you are trying to sell to? You have to automatically think CONFLICT OF INTEREST. Listing their own properties and selling them all at the same time and with the option of DUAL AGENCY in Georgia who is protecting the you the consumer?
You the consumer needs to ask yourselves these questions before you make the biggest investment of your lifetime. Each Professional needs to stay within their field of expertise. A builder has the experience, knowledge and the license to build solely homes verses an inexperience and with the lack of building knowledge a Realtor or brokerage firm would. As a consumer, do your own research. Ask questions like who is the builder? Do they have a company? What is there warranty policies? and most of all compare builders yourself to other builders in the area and what each one offer you. Avoid taking opinions from those same people that are trying to steer you to their real estate interest. If the only thing they are selling you on is square footage, square foot and more square footage what it all boils down for you the home buyer is more, more, and more money to pay on your utility bills. A builder that really is up to speed with the new construction building sciences and incorporating features for the way we really live will provide you with the information and documentation on why they are the best builder for you and the best investment for your money. Homes that easily upgrade to new technologies and have indoor air-plus qualifications to keep you healthy, and homes that save you money for as long as you live in them, homes that appraise higher and hold their value in the real estate market, homes that are just comfortable to live in. A builder that stands behind the product they are selling to consumers and can backup the home product with documentation that ensures home buyers that they are getting what they are paying for. Wouldn't you want to make sure you are getting your monies worth?
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